February 2013:
9th - Planted tomato seeds, pepper seeds, and carrot seeds
16th - 18th - Tomato seeds sprouted
20th - Mystery plant up, day lilies up.
23rd - Carrots sprouted, pepper plant sprouted.
28th - Transplanted strawberry plants from ground to pots.
March 2013:
6th - Jack ate the first pepper sprout. Started 2nd one.
12th - Determined that gnat infestation had ruined first batch of seedlings.
13th - Started second set of seeds in peat pellets. Tomatoes and 3rd pepper.
20 - 21st - All toms up except Purple. (Purple doesn't germinate at all)
30th - 3rd pepper sprouts. Strawberries are blooming.
April 2013:
7th - Transplanted tomato seedlings to pots. (A few days shy of 4 weeks old)
8th - Received cutting of Yellow Peace Rose.
9th - First roses bloom - largest Sarah Van Fleet.
13th - Planted crowder peas, squash, and zucchini seeds.
15th - 3rd Purple tom sprouts.
17th - First bloom on Don Juan rose
18th - Peas and squash/zucs sprouted
May 2013:
1st - First bloom on the big Lafter; approximately the first bloom on Grandma Nacogdoches rose4th - Set tomatoes into the garden. Flowers already on cherry tomato.
4th - Small Lafter rose blooming
10th - Graham Thomas Rose blooming
20th - Grandma Nacogdoches rose blooming
22nd - Tomatoes on cherry
25th - Blooms on squash and zucchini; hand pollinated first zuc.
26th - Set out Cherokee Purple and Bell pepper into the garden
28th - Mystery lily blooms.
29th - Gardenias blooming; tomatoes set on all but new Cherokee.
29th - Harvested first green onions from garden
13th - Peas started blooming
14th - Started 10 Airplane plants
15th - Harvested first tomatoes - Kimberly cherry. Planted "El Desperado" day lily and "Miss Saigon" Irises
16th - Strawberries mostly done blooming and starting to make runners. Planted freesia, amaryllis, more day lilies, and calla lilies.
17th - First bloom on bell pepper plant
18th - Corso Lily blooms
22nd - Stargazer lily blooms
23rd - Planted dahlia, 2 day lilies planted from the neighbor's patch. First ED day lilies showing above soil.
24th - Last gardenia blooms finish
27th - Picked first mess of peas from the garden. Gold Band lily blooms
June 2013:
4th - Harvested 60z of carrots13th - Peas started blooming
14th - Started 10 Airplane plants
15th - Harvested first tomatoes - Kimberly cherry. Planted "El Desperado" day lily and "Miss Saigon" Irises
16th - Strawberries mostly done blooming and starting to make runners. Planted freesia, amaryllis, more day lilies, and calla lilies.
17th - First bloom on bell pepper plant
18th - Corso Lily blooms
22nd - Stargazer lily blooms
23rd - Planted dahlia, 2 day lilies planted from the neighbor's patch. First ED day lilies showing above soil.
24th - Last gardenia blooms finish
27th - Picked first mess of peas from the garden. Gold Band lily blooms
Nothing for June?!?!?
ReplyDeleteThe June gardening calendar is now available for your enjoyment!