Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Here comes the sun...

Hello, hello.

It's rained for four day (7 inches at least), and it's barely been out of the 40's. Naturally this happens just as I plant my seeds. My "garden" is residing on top of the fridge. It's the only moderately warm place I have that is also out of reach of my cat, Jack, who loves dirt, plants, and flower pots.

The "Garden" - I had to take down mom's top-of-fridge decorations hehe.

I planted my little seeds on Saturday the 9th, and there is predictably no movement yet (4 days later). Last year's garden was planted in one of those spiffy green house trays with the dirt pellets. You know, those things really work. My seeds sprouted in 5 days. The only down side to using them is you must transplant your little seedlings twice; once from the greenhouse into bigger pots to harden them off and a second time from those pots to either the ground or the final container they'll be growing in.

I am a lazy gardener. I selected larger pots to start with. This has probably cost me germination time as I can't maintain the humid temperatures as easily as in the green house, but it has allowed me to perpetuate my lazy tendencies and to transplant only once.

 To facilitate the germination process, I will be moving my pots back outside and covering them with plastic (prolly shopping bags, since (again) I'm pretty lazy about this stuff) to help raise the heat and humidity in the soil. Provided the weather is sunny for the next two days as promised by the weather forecast, such is my battle plan.

2012 - Planted seeds on the third Saturday of February. Seeds popped 5 days later.
2013 - Planted seeds on the second Saturday of February. Still waiting. :)

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