Thursday, May 30, 2013

The Mystery Lily Blooms

So at last, at last. The mystery lily has bloomed, and it's very pretty! Mom had the idea to use a stick from the yard to hold up the stem, since it was leaning pretty far over. And just in time - it bloomed the day after she staked it up. No fragrance, unfortunately, but very lovely and a wonderful surprise that morning - 5/28/13


  1. Nice solution to your mystery.

    Do you have deer in your neighborhood? If we do not spray our lilies with repellent--frequently--the buds disappear long before they bloom.

    1. No deer around my house, fortunately; we sometimes see them out in the soybean field next to us, but they don't come close to the neighborhood.

      I'm actually sad the mystery is solved. After a year and a half of anticipation and wondering, I feel like there's a hole in my life now that it's over :)

      I saw the pic you put up of your peonies - they were beautiful! I've thought of growing them, but (due to space) I'd have to grow them in pots, and I'm unsure if they would flourish or not.
